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Our Story

In the fall of 2022, three Leamington entrepreneurs came together to establish the Leamington Community Hope Centre at the old Knox Presbyterian Church located in the downtown core. Their goal was to secure a community space where necessary resources would be available to people in need to help ensure their physical, mental, social, and spiritual health was prioritized.


With its central location and multi-purpose layout, the LCH Centre will serve as an initial contact point and meeting area for people of various cultural and

socio-economic backgrounds.

Our team

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Jennifer Hyde

Executive Director

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Judy Buhler

Essential Needs


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Roy Hyde

Pastoral Care Manager

Greg Poloz

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Men's Recovery Coordinator

Mary Fehr

Marlene Richards

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Women's Recovery Coordinator

Women's House Lead

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Kira Klassen

Ben Gagne

Matt Fedun

Men's House Lead


Workshop Facilitator

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Colleen Bowden


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Keith LeClair


Marketing Coordinator


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Henry Neufeld

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Peter Quiring

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George Bergen

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Wolfgang Weber

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